Lymphatic drainage is a gentle technique applied directly to the skin that helps identify areas of swelling or where the lymphatic system is struggling to process large volumes of fluid. Its aim is to relieve fluid congestion by channeling the fluid to the lymph nodes, which detoxify the body and remove excess fluid to maintain balance across all body systems.


The primary role of the lymphatic system is to eliminate unwanted waste products from the body, which can build up due to poor diet, illness, stress, and medications used to treat cancer.

Yes, lymphatic drainage is beneficial for most individuals who need help maintaining their internal health, especially during busy periods when a medical condition has reduced your natural activity levels, or when your body requires extra support to eliminate toxins and maintain consistent energy levels.

There are a few conditions that should be assessed before making an appointment, such as currently having Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), undergoing cancer treatment, or dealing with a difficult pregnancy. We are always happy to discuss your individual needs and concerns in more detail before starting any treatment.


Lymphatic drainage is beneficial for those looking to: 

  • reduce swelling in the body 
  • assist with lymph fluid reduction for lymphoedema management 
  • minimise the impacts of stress on the body 
  • manage chronic health conditions 
  • alleviate sinus and hay fever congestion 
  • eliminate toxin build-up during cancer treatments 
  • reduce limb swelling during pregnancy (after the first trimester) 
  • relieve pain and discomfort while receiving palliative care


When we are at our healthiest, the body can process between 1.5 and 2 litres of fluid each day. Conversely, when we are unwell, inactive for extended periods, or subjected to high levels of stress, this hampers the lymphatic system’s ability to process fluids, leading to a build-up of toxins. Following a lymphatic drainage treatment, the lymphatic system can enhance its fluid uptake to between 35 and 40 litres within a 24 to 48 hour period.


Many people report feeling a bit tired, needing to use the toilet frequently, or feeling slightly restless when trying to fall asleep after treatment. It’s quite common for individuals to experience one of these side effects; however, responses to treatment can vary depending on the individual’s overall health. Most side effects tend to subside after a few hours. Generally, after a few days, most patients report feeling lighter, thinking more clearly, experiencing less swelling, having more energy, and reduced feelings of stress.